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Ropella is the Global Leader in Executive Search for the Chemical Industry

With more than 30 years as a top chemical industry recruitment firm, Ropella is well-versed in the challenges companies face in their ongoing quest to find highly qualified professionals. As Talent Acquisition experts, we excel at attracting, recruiting and building relationships with potential candidates. Our Executive Search Consultants stay abreast of current industry trends, making Ropella a knowledgeable, efficient and effective partner for recruiting top talent.

A proven Executive Search firm, Ropella is dedicated to helping companies gain a competitive advantage by providing customized and strategic talent solutions. We leverage our industry expertise, proprietary SMART Search System® and global network to quickly deliver exceptional results for even the most challenging searches. Successful industry leaders count on Ropella to find the right talent to drive their business forward.

Chemical Industries

  • Agricultural, Fertilizer, and Pest Control Chemicals

    To keep up with the growing population and food demands, farmers must work harder than ever to promote maximum crop yield and ensure environmental sustainability.…

  • Analytical Testing

    The Analytical Testing Laboratories and Services industry provides on-demand scientific services for the chemical, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and personal care industries and more.…
  • Animal Nutrition and Feed Ingredients

    Let Ropella assist you in your search for finding highly specialized and hard to reach executives in the animal feed ingredients industry. We have worldwide…

  • Aroma Chemicals

    The part of our brain which processes aromas is directly connected to those areas which process memories and emotions; our other senses do not have…

  • Automotive Chemicals

    Without automotive chemicals, there would be no automotive industry. Providing everything from adhesives and antifreeze to waxes and windshield wiper fluid, these chemicals are the…

  • Cement, Asphalt and Concrete Admixtures

    Cement, asphalt, and concrete are the literal foundation of our infrastructure. They aren’t just the materials that roads, sidewalks, and parking lots are comprised of;…

  • Chemical Industry

    The chemistry industry creates products that are used in all facets of life from food and cosmetics to military products. Commercially savvy organizations are aware…

  • Continuous Process Chemicals

    Although not nearly as famous, continuous processes have revolutionized manufacturing in the same way that assembly lines did. These processes provide companies with a wide…

  • Contract Research

    Contract research organizations (CROs) are growing players in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and the medical device industry. The path from conception to FDA approval can take upwards…

  • Contract, Toll, and Custom Manufacturing

    Contract, toll, and custom manufacturing is a process which – when implemented properly – can be mutually beneficial to both the manufacturer and the hiring…

  • Cosmetic and Personal Care Ingredients

    As the lifeblood of cosmetics and personal care, ingredients require smart solutions and insights that increase applications, meet safety concerns and open new markets. The…
  • Electronic Chemicals

    The Digital Age has thus far been characterized by a constant push for device miniaturization (and, increasingly, microminiaturization) while simultaneously enhancing speed, lifespan, and energy-efficiency.…

  • Filtration

    The definition of filtration – the removal of solids from fluids (liquids or gases) by passing the solution through a filter – does little to…

  • Fire and Flame Retardant Chemicals

    Fires are the sort of thing that the average person doesn’t worry about stopping until it erupts – but by the time a fire has…

  • Food and Beverage Ingredients

    The menu of ingredients changes constantly, reflecting new taste trends – fruity malt drinks, Greek yogurt, craft beer – and health, safety and economic issues.…

  • Foundry and Casting

    Civilization has depended on foundries to shape metal for centuries, and modern markets are driving more efficient and sophisticated casting and metalworking techniques. Foundry and…

  • Glass Additives

    “Glass” is a much more complex substance than it appears at first glance, and it does much more than simply provide a barrier from outside…

  • Green Chemistry

    Green chemistry is a new and rapidly growing field, defined by the EPA as “the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate…

  • Lab Chemicals and Analytical Reagents

    There are very few commercial industries which the laboratory chemicals and analytical reagents industry does not influence. From aerospace technology to medical devices to zip…

  • Metalworking, Cutting, Treating and Finishing Chemicals

    The metalworking, cutting, treating, and finishing chemicals industry has a vast influence on manufacturing, in the production of such diverse products as large ships and…

  • Minerals and Mineral Additives

    As demand increases for all-natural and biocompatible products, so does the market for minerals and mineral additives. They enhance everyday products like toothpaste and diapers,…
  • Minerals and Mining

    Mining is at the core of our evolution, enabling us to create the tools that gave way to civilization. In fact, the oldest known mine…
  • Paints and Coatings Additives

    Growing population and construction increase demand, but environmental regulation and market changes now often call for additives that are water-borne and more health-friendly. Costly raw…

  • Petroleum, Lubricant, and Fuel Additives

    The petroleum, lubricant, and fuel additives industry is one which strives for constant improvement. Their relationship with the automotive industry, in particular, is akin to…

  • Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Ingredients

    In the pharmaceutical industry, ingredient quality is often a literal matter of life and death. With more people living on-the-go, nutraceuticals are also becoming increasingly…

  • Photographic Chemicals

    Despite the rising popularity and technological advancements of digital media, the picture isn’t all bleak for film photography. Many shutterbugs and professional photographers still prefer…

  • Pine Chemicals

    Long before being “green” was a marketable trend, the pine chemical industry worked at being eco-friendly and ensuring that arborous co-products of the papermaking process…

  • Plastic Additives

    Plastic additives are a crucial building block without which the plastics industry could not exist. Additives are necessary for many segments of the global marketplace,…
  • Pool Chemicals

    Pools are often considered to be calm places – somewhere one goes to kick back and relax. The upkeep of pools, however, can be complicated…

  • Pulp and Paper Chemicals

    Despite a growing shift towards digitization and “going paperless”, the demand for paper continues to grow each year. This is thanks, in part, to its…

  • Rare Earth

    Rare earth elements have been called “the seeds of technology”, and they live up to this title. Although technology would not be impossible without these…

  • Rubber Chemicals

    Rubber got its name when English chemist Joseph Priestley determined that it could be used to “rub out” pencil marks. Since then, rubber has come…

  • Soap and Detergent Additives

    Surfactants and detergent additives with cleaning properties are used in a wide variety of household, institutional, and industrial products. New additives, complex formulations, and new…

  • Textile, Leather and Tanning Chemicals

    The use of chemicals influences every aspect of leather and textile production. For textiles, it begins with the production of fibers, from herbicides and fertilizer…

  • Water Treatment Chemicals

    Purifying water for its many various uses – from drinking and recreation to industrial and agricultural processes to the safe return of water to the…

  • Wood and Gum Chemicals

    Wood chemicals play a key role in protecting our environment – by safeguarding wood products from insects and decay, they greatly reduce our need to…