Despite a growing shift towards digitization and “going paperless”, the demand for paper continues to grow each year. This is thanks, in part, to its diverse repertoire of uses: storage of information, packaging, cleaning, and a representation of value. To make the use of paper more sustainable, papermakers now use a large amount of recycled paper to create their pulps – depending on the source, this recycled paper makes up between a third and more than half of paper pulp.
The creation of paper is much more complicated than simply grinding up logs; quality paper begins with quality pulp and paper chemicals. Sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide are utilized in the Kraft process, to separate the cellulose fibers that will comprise the pulp from hemicellulose and lignin. Many other chemical additives are used to enhance the characteristics of the paper, including bleaching chemicals, sizing agents, and coating binders.With 35+ years as a global search leader, Ropella has proven (many times over) to be well-versed at delivering the most advanced search execution capabilities, solving the most challenging needle-in-a-haystack searches, and managing talent selection and development as a primary asset for ROI.
As a bestselling author of The Right Hire and a highly-experienced practitioner, Patrick Ropella developed the SMART Search System®, regarded as one of the most well-respected, talent-centric executive search solutions available.
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