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Our Involvement

Ropella Industry Expertise

Green chemistry is a new and rapidly growing field, defined by the EPA as “the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances… across the life cycle of a chemical product, including its design, manufacture, use, and ultimate disposal.” Producers and consumers alike are intrigued by this field’s promise of more natural materials, energy efficiency, and environmental benefits all at a lower cost.

With an increased consumer demand concerning environmental protection, green chemistry doesn’t just improve the world we live in: it improves companies’ bottom lines. Industries can save money by using substances which are less likely to cause waste or contribute to chemical accidents, and the use of these processes can be a major selling point to consumers who want to know that the products they are purchasing are part of the solution, rather than contributing to the problem.

Our Solutions

With 35+ years as a global search leader, Ropella has proven (many times over) to be well-versed at delivering the most advanced search execution capabilities, solving the most challenging needle-in-a-haystack searches, and managing talent selection and development as a primary asset for ROI.

As a bestselling author of The Right Hire and a highly-experienced practitioner, Patrick Ropella developed the SMART Search System®, regarded as one of the most well-respected, talent-centric executive search solutions available.

The typical roles our search consultants serve

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    Environmental, Health & Safety

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    Research & Development

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    Business Management

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