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Published Articles

Technology Makes Networking a Breeze

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
December 2009

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Job Opportunities Marketed for Success

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
October 2009

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Do Your Homework Before the Interview

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
September 2009

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Improve Retention by Being a Better Manager

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
August 2009

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Safeguard and Develop Talent Through Proper Training

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
August 2009

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Avoid the Pitfalls of Promises That Can’t Be Delivered

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
July 2009

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Internal Culture can Create Competitive Edge

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
June 2009

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What Differentiates High Potential Employees?

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
May 2009

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Allowing Workers to Fail Is Not an Option

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
April 2009

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Avoid Failure in the Workplace

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
February 2009

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Keep Your Mind Clear and Your Actions Calm

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
January 2009

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Survive a Wild Economic Ride by Recruiting Strategically

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
December 2008

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New Interview Tactics Ease Hiring Decisions

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
November 2008

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Maximize work Force Results With Performance Management Systems

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
October 2008

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Building a ‘Dream Can’ Achieve Dynamic Results

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
September 2008

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Achieve Long Term Success by Careful Career Management

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
August 2008

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Job Satisfaction Critical to Work Environment

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
July 2008

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Understanding the Roots of Technical Professionals

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
June 2008

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Managing Larger-Than-Life Egos a Job Worth Doing

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
May 2008

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Hire At the Right Time to Maintain Workplace Balance

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
April 2008

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A Temporary Fix is Sometimes Better than a Full-Time Hire

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
March 2008

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Listen Carefully to Make Interviews a Success

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
February 2008

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Prevent Conflicts to Avoid Failure in the Workplace

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
January 2008

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Ensure Successful Employment Negotiations

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
December 2007

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Spot the Traits of Success to Ensure Superior Performance

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
November 2007

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The Right People Mix Creates Healthy Work Environment

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
October 2007

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Good Talent Requires Fulfilling Workplace

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
September 2007

Tips to Help Alleviate Workplace Stress

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
August 2007

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Communicate, Encourage Creativity to Fuel Motivation

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
July 2007

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What to do Before, During, After an Interview

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
June 2007

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Good Benefits Package Key to Retaining Employees

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
May 2007

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Stay Calm During a Crisis

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
April 2007

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Employees Must Be Mentally Fit

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
March 2007

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How do I Get to Where I Want to Be in My Career?

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
January 2007

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You, As a Manager, are Responsible for Setting a Tone That Inspires Success

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
December 2006

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Communicate with employees to Align Them with Your Business Strategy

Patrick B. Ropella
Pensacola Business Journal
November 2006

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