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Ropella Industry Expertise

Pop Quiz: When was the first successful electric automobile produced? Maybe about 1991? Actually, it was a hundred years earlier, in 1891! In fact, within a decade more than a fourth of all cars produced in the US were electrically powered. It took only twenty more years for the gasoline-powered car to dominate the market. The issues that initially ran electric vehicles off the road still exist today – high sticker prices, limited ranges, and limited horsepower – but rising gas prices and increased governmental regulations (and consumer demand) for more energy-efficient transportation have combined to create a new market for this technology.

Of course, electric vehicles today are a huge improvement on those from the turn of the 20th century, and new improvements are made every day. The ranges of new electric car models rival the ranges of internal combustion engines, while more and more gas stations are looking to upgrade their functionality so that turbocharging your car won’t take longer than filling up your tank with gas

Our Solutions

With 35+ years as a global search leader, Ropella has proven (many times over) to be well-versed at delivering the most advanced search execution capabilities, solving the most challenging needle-in-a-haystack searches, and managing talent selection and development as a primary asset for ROI.

As a bestselling author of The Right Hire and a highly-experienced practitioner, Patrick Ropella developed the SMART Search System®, regarded as one of the most well-respected, talent-centric executive search solutions available.

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