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Our Involvement

Ropella Industry Expertise

Adhesives, sealants, glues, and caulks play an integral part of our everyday lives, even from before we are born. Without these products, there would be no ultrasounds for expectant parents to check on their unborn children. They are used for babies’ diapers, children’s toys and teenagers’ electronics. Adults rely on them to ensure their homes protect them from the elements and to maximize energy efficiency.

Blue- and white-collar workers alike rely on adhesives, sealants, glues, and caulks to make the workplace run smoothly. Construction workers depend on them to connect hammer head to handle, and CEOs expect them to hold together their briefcases and patent leather shoes. Everything from hearing aids to military aircraft are dependent on these products.

Our Solutions

With 35+ years as a global search leader, Ropella has proven (many times over) to be well-versed at delivering the most advanced search execution capabilities, solving the most challenging needle-in-a-haystack searches, and managing talent selection and development as a primary asset for ROI.

As a bestselling author of The Right Hire and a highly-experienced practitioner, Patrick Ropella developed the SMART Search System®, regarded as one of the most well-respected, talent-centric executive search solutions available.

The typical roles our search consultants serve

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    Environmental, Health & Safety

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    Research & Development

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    Business Management

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