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Ropella is the global leader in executive search in this industry.

With almost 35 years as a top plastics industry recruitment agency, Ropella is well-versed in the challenges companies face in their search to find highly qualified professionals. As talent acquisition specialists, we excel at attracting, recruiting and building relationships with potential candidates. Our executive search consultants stay abreast of current industry trends making Ropella a knowledgeable, efficient and effective partner for recruiting top plastics talent.

A proven executive search firm, Ropella is dedicated to helping companies gain a competitive advantage by providing customized and strategic talent solutions. We leverage our industry expertise, proprietary SMART search system and global network to deliver exceptional results quickly for even the most challenging searches. Successful industry leaders count on Ropella to find the right talent to drive their business forward.

Plastics Industries

  • Bioplastics

    Conservation of petroleum resources is something that most people would associate with the automotive industry, with the rise of hybrid cars, electric vehicles, and efficiency…
  • Plastic Additives

    Plastic additives are a crucial building block without which the plastics industry could not exist. Additives are necessary for many segments of the global marketplace,…
  • Plastics Manufacturing

    From construction equipment to health-care, plastics touch every part of our lives. This is due, in part, to the industry’s emphasis on innovation. While the…

  • Thermoplastics

    The difference between thermoplastics and thermoset plastics is relationally somewhat like the difference between water and pasta. Water can be frozen into ice, melted back…

  • Thermosetting Polymers

    The difference between thermoset plastics and thermoplastics is relationally somewhat like the difference between pasta and water. Pasta can be cooked through boiling, softening it…