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With 35+ years of specialization in the chemical and allied industries, we have developed one of the world’s largest and most well-polished databases of networking contacts. These contacts include chemical, coatings, plastics, and other allied & high technology industry executives, their employees, consultants, outplacement firms, associations, resume database services, as well as internet advertising and research sources—equating to 200,000+ contacts.

People move around a lot more than they did in the past, so our database is just one tool on our launchpad. What contacts we don’t have currently (or up to date) in our database, we find through a strong, strategic partnership we have developed with an information research company called Xcavate.

Xcavate is a firm that utilizes state-of-the-art research techniques and data mining software to research and identify all information we might need on a client company, its targeted competitors, and prospective candidates (within a specific industry and/or niche). Xcavate often includes competitive market intelligence to go along with search results.