Ropella′s PE clients are actively seeking visionary leaders with:

Deep domain expertise in a non-cyclical, recession resistant industry with past PE exposure.

Exceptional executive leadership (CEO, COO, or CFO) and a verifiable track record of value creation (and profitable growth) while recruiting, mentoring, and leading A-player teams.

High credibility and a clear communicable vision or investment thesis.

A firm commitment to accountability, communication and trust – willing to invest their own time and resources into making their thesis an investment success.

Interested in partnering with private equity, selling your company, or becoming a backable CEO?

Recommended Resources

Backable: The surprising truth behind what makes people take a chance on yoU


A groundbreaking book that boldly claims the key to success in business is not talent, connections, or ideas, but the ability to persuade people to take a chance on potential.

‘Whether you want to get ahead inside a company or build a startup from the ground up, this fascinating book is a must-read.’ REID HOFFMAN | Co-founder, LinkedIn

The Private Equity Playbook: Management’s Guide to Working with Private Equity

by Adam Coffey

Today more than 5,500 P.E. firms own tens of thousands of companies, so it is essential for CEOs and senior management executives to understand exactly how private equity firms operate. This invaluable resource can help you devise a winning P.E. game plan for your own company that offers you greater freedom and financial success.

‘Last year I was approached by two PE firms, and I deflected their entreaties because I did not understand. This book helped me overcome my own ignorance. Not only is it an excellent primer on PE, but it is also a good management guide to running a business for maximum shareholder value and increased efficiency.’ PHILLIP C. CANTRELL | Founder & CEO, Benchmark Realty LLC

Private Equity investment in your industry is on the rise and is rapidly changing the game. If you are interested in seeing your visions realized and an opportunity to create generational wealth, Ropella would love to connect with you to determine if this is the right opportunity.


Every successful relationship starts with an introduction